Pupil Premium funding is a Government funded grant which was introduced in 2011-2012 from Reception age onwards. The money was initially allocated to schools who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), those children who were ‘Looked after Children’ or from service families. From 2012-2013, it was expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last six years.
The money is allocated to fund initiatives to:
- Raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gaps with their peers
As a school we are accountable for how we use the funding to support children from low-income families. There is an expectation that schools will be able to demonstrate the impact of this funding.
You will find our intentions for how we are going to allocate this funding below:
Principles for use of our Disadvantaged/Pupil Premium funding at World’s End Infant and Nursery School:
- We will ensure that the teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils.
- We believe that there are ‘no limits’ to what our children can achieve.
- We will ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups which includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are assessed and addressed.
- Disadvantaged/Pupil Premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis to identify priorities across all areas of provision.
- We support all of our children to develop growth mind-sets towards learning.
Overall, the school has a strong vision for what ‘Reaching for the stars’ means for all of our pupils. There is a strong, positive ethos across the school which is geared towards raising aspirations for all. Our structures and monitoring systems are rigorous to ensure that staff are challenged to set the highest expectations for vulnerable children, careful targeting and allocation of resources.
The Acting Head Teacher oversees the strategic overview of the Pupil Premium Strategy and ensures that it is being implemented at an operational level.
The Acting Head teacher will:
- Devise the Pupil Premium Strategy, based on the identified needs of eligible pupils, taking into account established research evidence.
- Allocate PPG budget to identified areas of provision.
- Provided termly pupil premium progress reports for the Governing body.
- Provide appropriate support and guidance for staff when planning provision for children eligible for Pupil premium support.
- Liaise with external partners and agencies, where necessary.
- Monitor quality and impact of intervention.
- Work in line with the school's 'Attendance policy' and 'Working Together to Improve Attendance' in order to monitor pupil attendance.
- Work with the class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team to promote the personal wellbeing of pupils and their involvement in the wider opportunities available through the extended curriculum.
Class teachers will:
- Identify and list pupils in each class.
- Under the guidance of the Head Teacher and the Deputy Head Teacher, implement provision that enables pupils to overcome any identified barriers.
- Work with pupils, parents and senior leaders to plan, implement and monitor the impact of the agreed support and interventions for children eligible for pupil premium.
- Ensure that the entire teaching team are fully prepared to support the progress and learning outcomes for all pupil groups.
- Take prompt action to inform senior leaders of any areas where a child’s progress or performance may be directly, or adversely, affected by social or economic disadvantage.
The range of provision that can be made for children entitled to Pupil Premium funding is:
- Providing for small group work with a teacher or teaching assistant, focused on bridging the gaps in learning.
- One-to-one support with a teacher or a teaching assistant.
- Additional opportunities provided through learning mentors or external agencies.
- Additional learning opportunities that boost confidence or provide an opportunity that a child may not otherwise have access to.
- Providing family support.
Our work through Pupil Premium will be aimed at accelerating progress in order that pupils can achieve aspirational targets.
The Acting Headteacher will report to the Governing Body on:
- The provision made for Pupil Premium
- The progress being made towards narrowing the gap, year by year, for pupil premium pupils.
The Governing Body will ensure there is an annual statement, setting out:
- The amount of Pupil Premium funding received in the previous year.
- The number/percentage of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding.
- How the funding was used.
- The impact on standards, including data on comparisons between pupil groups in school and nationally, and how we are closing the gap.
- The Pupil Premium allocation for the following year and plans for how it will be spent.