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Opening Times

School Opening Hours during Term Time:


School starts at             8.40am - for Reception

8:45am - for Year 1 and Year 2

and ends at                       3.10pm - for Reception

3.15 pm - for Year 1 and Year 2 


All children come in through the entrance doors off the front playground. The older children, in Years 1 and 2, are able to come in from 8.35 am. They come in through the playground entrance to the far left.


From September 2024, school will begin at 8.40 am for Reception and 8:45 am for KS1; all children should be in their classroom by that time.


Reception children come in through the playground entrance door on the far right of the building. Children will be allowed in from 8.35 am, and may go straight into their classroom. School begins at 8.40 am and all children should be in their classroom by that time.


A member of staff will be at the playground door to greet the children.


It is important to be punctual. It is important that children are there from the beginning so that they do not miss any learning or instructions.  Punctuality is a most important habit for children to learn.  We are obliged to record and report persistent lateness to the Educational Social Worker, who will follow up referrals.


Any parents/visitors who come into school during the school day, should always use the main front visitor’s entrance, for entry and exit.



Please ensure that children are collected on time. In emergencies when parents are unavoidably late, children wait inside, in the front entrance area.  Please telephone us if you can so that we can reassure your child. We take every care to ensure the safety of the children. If, for any reason, another adult is collecting your child please let us know. 


Reception children come out through the left hand side playground door at 3.10 pm.

Year 1 children exit through their designated exits at 3:15pm.

Year 2 children leave via their classroom doors at 3:15pm.


Parents are asked to stay well back from the entrance area for the children’s safety. The staff will hand over the children to parents/carers. Infant children are not allowed to go home on their own or with a sibling under the age of 16. 


