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Free School Meals

Information about Free School Meals - how to apply and how this benefits our School through the Pupil Premium funding.


Pupil Premium Funding

The Pupil Premium Grant is a Government funded grant for all schools in England, aimed at addressing underlying inequalities. It is allocated to children (from Reception age onwards) from families who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), and children looked after in local authority care. Schools are expected to use the funding to help close attainment gaps for eligible pupils; they are free to spend the Pupil Premium Grant as they see fit but will be accountable for how they have used the funding to support pupils from low income families. There is the expectation that schools will be able to demonstrate impact on the attainment of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium.

At World’s End we are committed to promoting the progress and attainment of all our pupils, whatever their backgrounds. The targeted and strategic use of the Pupil Premium will support us in achieving our vision. We focus on getting the basics of spoken language, literacy and numeracy right as early as possible, and work with parents to maximise engagement with their child’s education.

From September 2014 our Pupil Premium funding has supplemented our school budget in helping us to provide free milk for every child in school, plus helping towards the cost of our educational trips. Feedback on this initiative from parents so far is extremely positive, with many commenting on the combined benefits of children being provided daily in school with free fruit, milk and a cooked dinner, plus they will no longer have the extra expense of finding money for school trips. We can only do this as long as the funding allows so it is crucial that parents continue to register their entitlement for free school meals. We ask all parents to register online, or alternatively the school can register on your behalf. The Universal Infant Free School Meals form will give further details.

The consent form will be completed as part of the registration process.
