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Autumn Term 1: My Wonderful Body

Welcome to Year One

Moving from Reception to Year One can seem like a daunting prospect for parents and children alike, even though children are simply moving into a new year group and not a new school it can still cause stress and worry. 


Our priority therefore is on settling the children back into school life and on building relationships, trust and confidence. Building the children's resilience is key.  We will be doing all of this in our usual 'Worlds End' way with exciting topics and activities which are engaging, relevant, imaginative and will inspire your child to lean and achieve their full potential. 



This term our topic is called 'My Wonderful Body'.  We will be exploring and finding out about the different parts of the body and learning about the 5 senses. Lots of our learning will also link to our core texts. We will be reading the following books:


Super Duper You by Sophy Henn

- Owl Babies by Martin Waddell 

- Funny Bones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.



Click the documents below to find out more about our 'Wonderful Body' topic!
