Promoting British Values at World’s End Infant & Nursery School
The Government requires schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.The values and principles that we promote through our work on "The rights of the Child" are underpinned by these British Values and our work as a Rights Respecting School (UNICEF RRSA), is reflected in both our ethos and taught curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that our children move onto the next step in their education as independent and responsible citizens. We promote British values through our World’s End ethos by:
Our school has an active school council, made up of children who have been elected by their classmates. They meet on a regular basis and help to inform the decision making around the school. We encourage our children to see their role in the bigger picture, to know their views count, and to value each other’s views and values. Democracy in action can be seen from an early age, for example through children in Nursery or Reception sharing views on e.g. what the theme of their role play area could be with a show of hands. Children are taught about, and encouraged to respect, public institutions and services. Year 2 pupils have written letters to, and received responses from local companies regarding issues they are concerned about. Questionnaires for the children, staff and parents and carried out annually to gather opinions about all aspects of school life. As part of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development curriculum (SMSC) and our RRSA work, assemblies promote and teach the vital importance of every voice being heard.
Promoting the Rule of Law
All children are taught to distinguish between right and wrong and that school rules have a purpose; that they are in place to protect all members of the school community.Classroom rules are developed with the children; children are helped to understand the need for such rules in order to have a safe, secure and happy learning environment, and to understand that the rules apply to everyone. Regular visits from the Police and Fire Service, e.g. as part of Reception’s People Who Help Us topic, or our whole school Road or Internet Safety topic, help to develop respect for these public services and reinforce the importance of rules and laws.
Promoting Individual Liberty
Our school aims to help each child achieve self-confidence, initiative and independence. We actively teach our children to take responsibility for their behaviour as well as knowing their rights. As part of our work towards on our Rights Respecting School Award children are taught about their rights, and that these are the rights of all children. Our supportive school ethos, together with our planned work in PSED (Personal and Social Development) in Nursery and Reception, and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) in Years 1 and 2, endeavours to ensure that children develop their sense of worth and self-confidence; we actively celebrate the uniqueness of all children at World’s End.
Promoting Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Cultures
Our school ethos, conveyed in our attitudes and relationships, our assemblies and acts of worship, and our taught curriculum in Religious Education, PSED, PSHE (jigsaw scheme) and Circle Time are all aimed at helping our children to acquire a tolerance and appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures and beliefs. We actively promote respect for individual differences and the children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. As a school we are committed to promoting diverse attitudes and challenging stereotypes. For example by sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences, through using resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping, and through challenging any prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. We provide positive role models and teaching children how to understand their own emotional make-up, and that of others. Staff and children at World's End Infant and Nursery School treat each other with respect. By providing equal opportunities for all our pupils to succeed: we analyse data on the attainment and achievement of groups, addressing any barriers to learning and working to close or eliminate any gaps between groups.
The work we do with our children supports and fulfils the school's duty to promote British Values as defined by the DFE document 'Promoting Fundamental British Values through SMSC in schools. Please click below on the link below to find out more information.