This term we are thinking all the wonderfulness that is chocolate! We will of course be tasting it but we will be also be doing lots of other interesting things too such as finding out where it comes from and how it is made.
'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' is an important text that we will be reading and lots of our topic activities are based around the story and the characters in the book. For example in design and technology we will be exploring structures so we can successfully build an Oompa Loompa house.
In history we are thinking about the local Cadbury business and how the George Cadbury made the life of his workers better. This will then lead into learning lots more about the Victorians and we will even become time travellers and go back in time to a Victorian school!
Our core texts this term are Grendal - a cautionary tale about chocolate, Mr Bunny and the Chocolate Factory and of course Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Please click on the links below to find out more about our exciting topic.